Proprietor and Lead Developer: Rob Munn

I was raised in Rhodesia (now Zimbabwe) and attended Falcon College near Bulawayo. I joined the Meteorological Office in 1969 where I worked until the end of 1978 (both in Salisbury and Bulawayo), when I "gapped it" to the UK. I worked for a private meteorological consultancy in Aberdeen (IMCOS) for a year forecasting for North Sea clients, but was made redundant after a year (staff downsizing due to the revolution in Iran). I immediately found a position with another private meteorological consultancy, Ocean Routes, and was transferred to Jakarta, Indonesia to forecast for oil rigs in the South China Sea. Nine months later we centralised operations to Singapore, where I remained until 1985.

Ocean Routes (Australia) sponsored a job for me in Melbourne, and from 1985 to 1988 I prepared forecasts for clients in the Bass Strait. I also got very involved with computer programming during this period. Not happy with Melbourne (the weather mainly), I returned to Singapore for two years before deciding that my interest in programming exceeded my interest in meteorology.

I moved to Perth early in 1990, and attended my local TAFE college for two years, getting an Associated Diploma (Computer Science). I considered trying for BSc at university, but that was a three year course and I didn't think I could afford being without an income for that long a period. Unfortunately 1990-1992 was a period where companies were discovering the advantages of 'down-sizing' and 'out-sourcing', so finding employment was challenging in 1992. However in 1993, I got my first break and my computer career began.

Most of my time as a programmer involved developing financial software, but in 2005 found a position as a software engineer developing software in the meteorological environment with Almos, mainly for automated weather stations.

In 2012 I had a heart attack (blocked left anterior descending artery) and had a stent implanted. Touch wood, I haven't any further complications, but I decided I would retire.

To keep myself busy, I started developing hardware and software projects, some of which can been seen here I've also taken an interest in so-called Climate Change (aka “Catastrophic Anthropogenic Global Warming”). Initially an interesting academic scientific discussion, the subject got hijacked by activists and the left-wing media, and finally by the politicians. I decided to investigate its veracity, and found that it was non-problematic. We've got bigger problems to sort out!