About Meteosoft Solutions

Meteosoft Solutions started in 2012 after the Proprietor, Rob Munn, retired from active employment with Almos (which was later incorporated into Telvent, and then Schneider Electric), developing and maintaining meteorological software in C++ and C#. The Australian Bureau of Meteorology used Almos's Automatic Weather Stations for their weather observing network. Rob has 20 years experience as a Meteorologist, and 20 years as a Software Engineer.

Rob had noticed possible market niches during his employment and decided to develop hardware and software prototypes to check their viability.

As a trained meteorological observer, Rob had noticed that weather observing automation had not encompassed cloud observations. Sensors were available to measure temperature, humidity, pressure, wind direction and speed, rainfall, visibility and cloud height. However no sensor existed that measured or detected cloud amount and type. A prototype sensor and software was developed to fill this niche, and was called NephiSys (from Greek, Nephos, meaning cloud), and is now a mature, tested product.

Rob's experience in forecasting weather for the oil industry, made him aware of the dangers of squalls, and the benefits of having a real time squall detection system. The Squall Detector was developed based on the Australian Bureau of Meteorology's public online radar system, where the software detects possible squalls near a user's site, and warns the user of the danger. The software was further enhanced to include the ability to forecast the movement of squalls based on current and past track history and development, resulting in a product called Squall Tracker. Both are currently being used by Offshore Weather Services PTY Ltd.

Maintaining his interest in meteorology, Rob has a Vaisala WXT510 sensor on his roof. The data is stored locally using his MetStation software, which also transmits the data to Weather Underground, the Bureau of Meteorology Weather Observation Website (WOW) and CWOP (Gladstone).

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